
Nobel Sauna 150


Dimensions (W x D x H): 150 x 120 x 190
umber of emitters: 6 magnesium oxide emitters (5% IRB, 95´IRC)
  • 3 back emitters
  • 1 leg emitters
  • 2 front emitters
Total amperage: 2400 Watt
15 mm massive cedar (2 x 7.5 mm double walls)
Digital control panel on inside
Colour therapy
Automatic ventilation
Radio with 2 speakers and CD / mp3 connection
Operates on 230 V with grounding
Easy installation

A schematic of the IR sauna is presented next.

Emitters are positioned for your maximum benefit. This cabin has 3 emitters for the back, one emitter near the lower legs and 2 emitters at the front; positioned in the corners. The corner emitters have a convenient plateau. You could, for example, use this for your aroma therapy.

The natural experience
          of total relaxation

€ 2199,--
(incl. taxes)

Requesting a brochure about
Nobel sauna 150


This cabin can be manufactured with the following options:

Red Cedar in stead of cedar

Advantages of Red Cedar: Red Cedar has a natural beauty and natural durability and adds more value to, i.e. moist areas. Red Cedar also has a pleasant scent and has a natural antibacterial quality.


Professional colour therapy in stead of standard therapy.
Colour therapy

Advantages of professional colour therapy:
The light output of the colours is much higher than in the standard colour therapy. The professional colour therapy has more options. A dimmer to adjust the strength of the light, more colours in the spectrum, a winter depression mode (bright white light) and a program that allows all colours to pass automatically. The professional colour therapy has 609 LEDS (29x21), so an evenly distributed level of light is created. This colour therapy is a great addition to an infrared sauna.

Full spectrum emitters in stead of magnesium oxide emitters

Advantages of a full spectrum:
A full spectrum has no warm up period and due to the high intensity of full spectrum emitters sessions are shorter than when using long wave emitters. A basic rule of thumb is that full spectrum emitters work on a more therapeutic level while the effect of long wave emitters enhance relaxation.
The most popular emitter used at home is the Magnesium oxide emitter.
This emitter is very durable and has a long wave emitter as well as a partial mid wave emitter.
Mid wave emissions work on a deeper level so overall relaxation is stimulated. The spectrum of the full spectrum emitters exists of: 27% IR-B (mid wave), 15% IE-c (long wave). The spectrum of Magnesium oxide emitters range between 5%IR-B and 95% IR-C.
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Infrared Sauna for: 2-3 persons

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Nobel Sauna 150

Nobel Sauna 150

Dimensions:: 150 x 120 x 190
Infrared Sauna for: 3-4 persons

From 2199,-- (Incl. Taxes)

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Infrared Sauna for: 3-4 persons

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Infrared Sauna for: 4 persons

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Infrared Sauna for: 5-6 persons

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